Job, I was born right across
the river there, near Grant's Tomb.
Of course, the tomb
hadn't quite been built.
My governess used to
take me there every day.
That's where she met her policeman.
Job, where were you born?
Right here in New York.
The corner of Market and Cherry Street.
Market and Cherry? Where's that?
Foot of the East River. It's about 10 miles,
I should say, from the nearest governess.
Job, do you realize I've known you
only two months?
And that I practically know
nothing about you at all.
Were you poor?
You have no idea how poor.
You weren't actually hungry?
My father sold chocolate bars
with almond nuts on a pushcart.
When he had a good day, we ate meat.
When he had a bad day,
we ate chocolate bars with almond nuts.
The bad days had a slight edge.
You remember a lot about
when you were a little boy, don't you?
Especially the lack of plumbing.
Skeffington, that's a strange name
for Market and Cherry.
You mean, is that my real name?
No. The immigration official on
Ellis Island wasn't a good speller...
...and "Skeffington" was the closest
he could get to "Skevinzskaza."
Well, then, how did you
become so successful?
I don't wanna go on
with the story of my life.
It's routine, rags to riches.
Of course, I sold newspapers.
I was a messenger during the day
and went to school at night.
You can fill in the rest.
There's one difference.
You didn't marry the boss's daughter.
But I married the woman
everybody else wanted to.
That makes up for it.
Job, find out what's happening.
- Yes?
- What's going on?