- This what you're looking for?
- Yes.
You're not going to let this
interfere with dinner.
This is no joking matter, Skeffington.
He'll be back in a couple of weeks.
- Hello, Georgie.
- Hello, Fanny.
Good evening, Job, dear.
Did Job tell you how delighted
I was with your flowers?
Yes, he did. Thanks.
Do you like my gown, Job?
You look beautiful, Fanny. Beautiful.
Thank you.
Job Skeffington.
You know, George, I keep forgetting that
Job can afford to give me things like this.
How very sweet of you, Job.
I'm simply famished.
- Soames, is dinner ready?
- Yes, madam.
One thing about these proposals,
they give Fanny a whale of an appetite.
"King and queen of England lay
cornerstone for new army hospital."
- He looks like a very nice man.
- He is.
"Kaiser and Field Von Marshall
Hindenberg inspect crack German..."
They all look exactly alike,
don't they?
I don't like the looks
of any of them, madam.