If you don't mind, I'll stand.
I've been sitting all day.
First of all, Job,
I want to thank you...
...for the very generous settlement
you made on me.
Twelve years with the wrong husband?
It should be rewarded.
Well, of course, it was ridiculous of you
to settle a fortune on me.
But then, it would've been ridiculous
for me to refuse, wouldn't it?
I'm glad you're going
to be reasonable about it.
Job, still laughing at me.
Without moving a muscle.
I assure you, Fanny,
you're no laughing matter.
I can't bear to look at you, Job.
Your eyes have such a hurt expression.
They have? I repudiate them.
I have no right to feel hurt. I knew
you didn't love me when I married you.
I'm sorry, Job.
I'm really sorry I can't love you.
That's all right, Fanny.
You can't really love anyone.
That's not meant as a reproach.
That's just one of the facts of your life.
Well, it's not very flattering.
You know, Job, I'm very fond of you.
And I might never have taken
this step at all, if I hadn't discovered...
Well, after all, Job, five of them.
You mustn't think too harshly
of my secretaries.
They were understanding when I came
to the office after a hard day at home.
- Job.
- Well, what did you expect?
You think I would've looked at another
woman if I'd received affection from you?
You wouldn't allow a dog in the house.
You didn't need one with me around.
- I was petted, admired, but never loved.
- Job, really.
- Fanny...
- Job, please don't beg.
Beg you, Fanny?
I never begged you in my life.
I hope I never will.
I've a dreadful headache.
This isn't what I wanted
to discuss with you.
I'm sorry, but I have a headache too.
I think mine precedes yours...
...by quite a few years.
I find all this very distasteful.
All right, I'll listen quietly.
What do you wanna discuss with me?