Our daughter.
What about our daughter?
She's not going to be very happy
staying with me.
She loves you so much more.
Well, I'm no hypocrite. I'm glad she does.
Yes, but you see, the court says
a child should stay with its mother.
Never mind what the court says.
What do you say?
Well, I think a child should.
It's just that...
Well, it's just that...
Are you sure she won't be
a hindrance to you?
- After all, you're still young and beautiful.
- Don't be insulting. It isn't fair.
You know perfectly well that if Fanny
is miserable, I shall be miserable too.
What do you want me to do?
I was wondering if you wouldn't talk to her
sometime and see how she feels about it.
All right. I'd be glad to.
Thank you, Job.
That's very sweet of you.
Have I your permission
to take her out to dinner?
That would be lovely.
I'll see that she's dressed
in her very best.
- Fanny?
- Yes?
Have her wear the blue organdy, will you?
She looks like you in it.
Fanny, you've eaten hardly anything.
I know. I'm not very hungry.
You haven't eaten much either, Daddy.
And you need more food than I do.
I had a big lunch.
If you eat some more, Daddy,
I'll eat some more.
All right.