...and then maybe I could come
and live with you?
No, I'm afraid I couldn't, Fanny.
You see...
...l'm going to Mexico on business
and then to Europe.
I'll be gone a long time.
Then I won't see you very often.
- Not very often.
- Oh, Daddy.
Fanny, here comes the waiter.
- I'm sorry, Daddy.
- Everything all right, sir?
Yes, thank you.
We're not hungry.
You'd better take this away.
- Will the lady have dessert?
- No, thank you.
No dessert?
We have very delicious creme glacé.
That means ice cream, Daddy.
Vanilla, peppermint, strawberry.
- No, thank you.
- You bring the young lady a glass of milk...
...and I'll just have a demitasse.
Yes, sir.
You'll see.
You'll be very happy with your mother.
Your mother loves you.
- You know that, Fanny, don't you?
- Yes, Daddy.
But you love me too, don't you, Daddy?
Why wouldn't I be happy with you too?
Well, I don't know
if I can explain this to you, Fanny.
You see, your mother and I
are of different faiths.
I never noticed any difference, Daddy.
Well, I mean, religious faiths.
You believe in God, don't you?
Certainly, I do.
Well, so does Mommy. She told me so.
Honestly, I don't see any difference.
Well, Fanny, it's... You see...
...l'm Jewish. Your mother is not.
Now, if you stay here with your mother,
you will never know what it is...
I mean, if you come to Europe with me...
...it's different there...
...and people may look upon you as...
Oh, this is very difficult
to explain to a child.