Chilly? Why, Johnny,
you talk as if you were 40...
Fifty years old or something.
Certainly, we're going sailing.
Come, darling.
And when I get back,
we'll talk for days and days.
All right, Mother.
Goodbye, Johnny.
I suppose I'll see you later.
Bye, Fanny.
Hey, wait.
I can't call you both, Fanny.
I tell you what I'll do.
I'll call you Young Fanny, and you...
Well, I'll think of something.
Hey, Fanny!
Come on back here.
You'll get soaked up there.
I'm loving this.
But listen...
...you'll catch your death of cold.
- Don't you worry about me, Johnny.
Well, I do worry about you.
Well, I'm heading for home, anyway.
Dr. Melton, Mrs. Skeffington is very ill.
Can you come over at once?
And, doctor, please hurry.
How's Mother, doctor?
She must be taken
to the hospital immediately.