A woman is beautiful when she's loved.
You think I would've looked at another
woman if I'd received affection from you?
You're not afraid
of growing old, are you, Fanny?
You can't really love anyone.
You'll never be ugly, Fanny.
Mother passed the crisis last night,
Uncle George.
Remember, not too many visitors.
Mrs. Skeffington doesn't want
to see anyone.
- You mean, not even her daughter?
- Not even her daughter.
- Goodbye, Dr. Melton.
- Goodbye.
Hello. Henri's Beauty Salon?
This is Mrs. Skeffington's maid.
May I speak to Henri, please?
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear it.
Well, I'm sure I can.
I'm very familiar
with Mrs. Skeffington's hair.
No, no. For Mrs. Skeffington...
Marie. For Mrs. Skeffington,
I want a face pack...
...muscle oil, wrinkle cream, tissue builder,
massage cream and astringent.
Yes, sir. And here
are the eyelashes you asked for.
These are perfect for Mrs. Skeffington.
It's nice of you to be doing
all this for your mother.
- Why shouldn't I?
- Why shouldn't you?
Well, she was never
particularly nice to you.
Well, I think maybe Dad
would want it this way.
Yes, I guess that's true.
By the way, were you able to
get acquainted with her while she was ill?
No. You see, Dr. Melton wouldn't allow
any visitors at the hospital...
...and when she went to the rest home,
she wrote me not to come.
Why do you suppose she'd
never let me see her?
You don't know your mother very well.
She wouldn't want anyone to see her
unless she was looking her best.
And they tell me diphtheria
is no beauty treatment.