That must be Mother now.
- Welcome home, Mrs. Skeffington.
- Thank you, Clinton.
- Fanny, dear.
- Hello, Mother.
Georgie, I had no idea
that you were here.
You know, it's heavenly
to be back home again.
Manby, shouldn't you go and see
that the luggage is taken care of?
- Yes, Mrs. Skeffington.
- Georgie.
This is such an unexpected pleasure.
Fanny, my dear.
- Welcome home, Mother.
- Thank you.
- Would you like to sit down?
- She mustn't stay up long.
- She's still very weak.
- Dr. Melton is a bully.
Well, that's what you pay me for.
May I use your telephone?
Yes. Clinton will show you where it is.
Thank you.
- We'll have some tea, Mother.
- Oh, I think that would be delightful.
Oh, this looks so cheerful
after that depressing rest home.
- Notice how Fanny arranged the flowers?
- Oh, how sweet of you, Fanny.
- They're perfectly lovely.
- Sit here, Mother.
- Let me help you with your coat.
- All right.
You know, I'm not really such an invalid.
Clinton, have you been well?
- Yes, madam, very well, thank you.
- Good.
- I'll pour, Clinton.
- Yes, miss.
- Cream or lemon, Mother?
- Lemon, thank you.
Wasn't it just like me
to contract a child's disease?
Georgie, I look dreadful, don't I?
Fanny, you could never look
anything but adorable.
You're lying.
I know perfectly well how I look.