It all started during my illness.
I've just had diphtheria.
You see, doctor,
my husband keeps appearing.
He's everywhere.
In the chair, beside my bed...
...standing at the foot of my bed,
watching me eat my breakfast...
Just everywhere.
And I find it most disconcerting.
You should have stuck to him.
- Stuck to him? After what he did?
- How old are you, Mrs. Skeffington?
Well, I didn't sleep very well last night.
See how important quiet nights are
for women your age?
- To everybody, I imagine.
- lf you don't want to become an eyesore.
Eyesore? Are you suggesting
that I am an eyesore?
No. Neither are you Lillian Russell.
- Oh, Dr. Byles, l...
- Sit down.
My dear lady, the entire basis
of psychoanalysis is truth.
Seeing your husband comes out
of a subconscious desire to see him.
- A need for him.
- That's ridiculous.
I have no desire to see Job.
And I'm sure he has no desire to see me.
Nevertheless, what I say is true.
Go back to your husband.
- Talk to him. Have him over for dinner.
- No, I can't. He's in Germany.
Ask him to come back.
It's your only hope.
That's where a husband comes in,
when your romantic days are over.
My romantic days over? How do you know
my romantic days are over?
Oh, my poor woman.
Oh, my poor doctor.
Shall I tell you something?
When I was ill, there were at least six
men willing to give their lives for me.
That was before you became ill.
Now, listen, please.
The only person of any use to a woman
whose run has been long...
- Oh, Dr. Byles, l...
- Sit. I haven't earned my fee yet.
The only person who will stick
to such a woman is her husband.
Admirers or sweethearts
never mean what they say...
...and always end up
by turning sour on the stomach.