May I speak to you for a moment?
Of course, Fanny.
Yes, Fanny?
Johnny Mitchell and I
are going to be married.
Johnny Mitchell.
I had no idea.
But, Fanny, you haven't
known him very long.
I've known him several months.
As long as I've known you.
But don't you think you should have
talked it over with your mother?
Have I a mother?
That's not kind of you, darling.
I've always loved you very much.
Sort of a long-distance love,
wasn't it, Mother?
Fanny, I never wanted you to leave me.
It was just that...
Well, just that you
loved your father so much.
And it was just that my father
loved me so much.
Oh, I know you had
a difficult choice to make.
You couldn't be both
a beauty and a mother.
Oh, Mother, I used to worry
about my looks too...
...when I was 13 and all arms and legs.
I used to hate
that brace I had on my teeth.
But Father would always comfort me.
"A woman is beautiful
only when she's loved," he'd say.
Yes, he said that to me once too.
So you see, Mother, you mustn't blame
your illness for no longer being beautiful.