I'm meeting some men
shortly after midnight.
I'm paying them some money.
You better get your flaps down,
or you'll take off.
What's the deal, blackmail?
I'm not in the habit
of giving people grounds for blackmail.
I've simply agreed to serve
as bearer of the money.
- How much and what for?
- I can't go into that.
You just want me to go along
and hold your hand?
I'm afraid I don't like your manner.
I've had complaints about it.
But it keeps getting worse.
How much are you offering me
for doing nothing?
I really hadn't gotten around
to thinking about it.
You suppose you can get around
to thinking about it now?
How would you like
a swift punch on the nose?
I tremble at the thought of such violence.
I'm offering $100
for a few hours of your time.
If that isn't enough, say so.
There's no risk.
Some jewels were taken
from a friend in a holdup.
- I'm buying them back.
- Where and when?
The arrangements specify that I drive
to a secluded canyon above the beach...
Wait a minute.
You drive to a nice, dark petting spot,
hiding me in the backseat...
- to buy back jewelry for a lady...
- I didn't say that.
...and what you get will be a package
you won't be allowed to open at all.
There's nothing to prevent them
from double-crossing you.
I certainly couldn't do anything to stop it.
Every move's planned. They aren't figuring
on roughing you up if you play ball.
But they wouldn't like you being twins.
One of us might get hurt.
I'm afraid I can't do anything
for you, Mr. Marriott.
But I'll take your $100
and tag along for the ride.
I carry the shopping money, too,
and I do the driving.
We were watched.
I didn't see anything.
I felt it in my stomach.