Just stay away from her.
Forget the whole thing.
What's the matter?
What are you looking at me like that for?
I don't know.
Surely I'm not corrupting you.
You've been bought off before.
I seem to remember you
from one of my dreams.
- One of the better ones.
- Would it be worth $1,000?
Stick around. I'll be right back.
Ditch the babe.
What's the matter with you?
Don't you want me to have a love life?
Ditch the babe.
Look, I'm a big boy now.
I blow my own nose and everything.
You hired me. Now stop following me,
or I'll get mad.
- Ditch the babe. I'd like you to meet a guy.
- Take it easy.
Soon gangrene will set in, in those fingers.
- I'd like you to meet a guy.
- Okay.
You do go for the showgirl type,
don't you, sonny?
- Cute, huh?
- Come on. I'd like you to meet a guy.