Murder, My Sweet

Marriott was a blackmailer of women.
He was good.

Women liked him around. His interest
in clothes and jewelry came easy.

But he wasn't the whole works. Somebody
told him which women to cultivate...

so he could load them with ice,
go out dancing...

then slip to the phone
and tell the boys where to operate.

And that is your picture
of Marriott and me?

I am slightly disgusted
and very disappointed.

Don't look now,
but Gussie the gun collector is back.

I am very disappointed in you.
Your thinking is untidy,
like most so-called thinking today.

You depress me.
Suppose your theory were correct...
I would have Mrs. Grayle's jade now,
wouldn't I?

- Unless something went wrong.
- What could have gone wrong?

Marriott could have lost his nerve
and rung in a private dick.

Take a private dick who'd risk his neck
for $100.

He might get ambitious.
He might figure an expensive necklace
would be nice to have in the bank.

This hypothetical detective of yours...
he might be willing to part
with the necklace for a consideration.

Could be, if he had it.
How big a consideration?
It would be difficult to discuss that
until he produced the necklace.

He might be bluffing,
hoping to gain information.

In which case, a great thinker might try
to shake something out of him.

You wouldn't suggest that?
Only if you wanted
to wear your face backwards for a while.

No need for us to be
at each other's throats, Mr. Marlowe.

There's really no need for subterfuge.
I want that jade.
I'm prepared to buy it from you
if you have it...

or if you can get it.
Supposing I haven't got it...
or supposing I don't want to sell...
You get him to tell you yet?
He refuses to tell me where she is.
