- Whose handwriting is this?
- I found it on Marriott.
You went through his pockets?
That took a strong stomach.
- How'd you like to work for me?
- I'm flattered.
I'm also tired of you.
And I've got a date. Go home.
I can't. There's a little bundle
on my doorstep named Nulty...
who's playing at not looking like a cop.
But he's terrible at it.
Get rid of him.
Tell him you decided
to have a quiet little supper here with me.
- Yes?
- I'd like a word with your boyfriend.
- Well, I really don't...
- Come in, Lieutenant.
Excuse me.
Thanks to you guys,
my love life's going to pieces.
I've been looking for you for three days.
Let's go.
We were sitting down to soft-boiled eggs
and scotch. You wouldn't join us?
The last time I saw you,
I gave you good advice.
- I guess it didn't take.
- I didn't bother your little pal Amthor.
I didn't get around to it. He got to me.
- He gave me quite a party.
- How did it go?
What'll it buy me? This is straight.
You'd like to get Amthor,
I'd like to help you.
He annoyed me a little.
Let you have it cheap.
I just get to finish my dinner.
- Okay.
- Come in, Nulty. Make yourself at home.
Amthor's a tough cookie.
He works some complicated
jewelry routine on gals...
who come to him
with broken-down libidos.
- I think Marriott was his contact man.
- Let's get to the new part.
The jewelry Marriott was buying back
was a jade necklace...
belonging to one of Amthor's patients,
worth about $100,000.
Marriott might've been crossing Amthor.
Anyway, he fumbled the ball.
- It's a lot of theory. Let's go.
- Amthor figured I picked it up.
He figured wrong. I disappointed him.
I didn't have the jewelry and I didn't talk.
But he has a little rest home
where you learn to talk.