I have an idea.
How would you like to play
gin rummy before dinner?
- Okay?
- Okay.
Let's not.
It won't be the same without Pop.
Not even gin rummy...
Hello, Soda.
Brig, are you never going to get
out of this bathroom?
Go fly a kite. I wish you'd wait
till I get through!
If you don't get through soon,
you'll brush the enamel off your teeth.
You all stop that bickering.
It's time you girls
was getting to bed.
- Hi, Fidelia.
- Hello, Fidelia.
- Where have you been all day?
- Where's your mother?
I'm in here,
in Jane's room.
All right, princess,
the mirror's all yours now.
You can have a wonderful time
looking at yourself.
Evening, Miz Hilton.
Did Captain Hilton
get away all right this afternoon?
Yes, Fidelia. He said he'd send you
a postcard from New Orleans.
What about you?
How did things go?
I got that job this afternoon
with some lofty people uptown.
The wages is mighty fine.
I starts right away.
But I ain't gonna be contentment.
I ain't gonna be contentment like
I been right here all these years.
I'm afraid we're not going to be
very contentment either, Fidelia.
What's more, I don't know what
kind of housekeeper I'm going to make.
I can tell you something.
You ain't gonna be very good.
I've been figuring out this budget.
I don't see how we're going to make it.
I've already arranged
to sell the car.
I don't think the government
pays them officers enough.
I don't see why Mr. Hilton
ain't worth as much to Uncle Sam
as he was to that
advertising company.
You'll probably have
a much easier time
than you've had
taking care of all of us.