Since You Went Away

I'll take your bags upstairs... Tony.
Don't bother, Jane.
- I don't mind, really.
- Brig, you take one, too.

If we don't give the lieutenant service,
he might not stay here.

- Aye-aye, sir.
- Carry on, mates.

Put them in Brig's room.
I'll move in with you girls.

That'll be fun.
Fun, indeed. I thought I was
through with dormitories.

You'll get to know
your children better.

Who's that?
Is there something
gone bad, Miz Hilton?

I wouldn't call it anything good.
If it isn't
my old girlfriend Fidelia.

Is that Mr. Tony Willett?
I thought we was through with you
till the duration was over.

Lieutenant Willett's going to be
our guest for a while.

- Happy surprise, Fidelia?
- I don't know about "happy."

Don't you let these people turn
your home into no boardinghouse.

Well, Fidelia!
I've half a mind not to stay.

But the other half
tells me to forgive you.

- What's that?
- I almost forgot.

May as well have
the unveiling right now.

Wait a minute.
I wanna see, too!

Let's have a little light on it.
I offered it to the Navy.
- Tony, I am flattered!
- That's mighty nice.

Mother, it's just like you!
And so pretty.

Well, it's really not much.
I heard they needed new
recruiting posters for the Waves,

and I figured that your face
was the one that...

Tony Willett, I might have known!
Mr. Willett, you cover that thing
right up this here minute!

Jane, you's no business
looking at that.

Tony, the Navy Department
didn't accept it?

No. I never even
found out why.

I got the painting back,
and the next thing, I was on sea duty.

Red tape, I guess.
I hope you're having
enough trouble.
