Since You Went Away

I wouldn't wish this on a Jap.
- Give it a little push, Jane.
- All right, Tony.

- Nice going, Jane!
- Tony, I'm so sorry!

Never mind, Jane. I'm sure
your mother put you up to it.

No, honestly, Tony!
- Which way do I take this thing?
- Starboard on the port side.

- Here, I'll help you.
- How you gonna get the bed in?

- How am I going to what?
- We'll put the mattress on the floor.

Don't worry, I love
to sleep on the floor.

Come on.
Good evening, Colonel Smollett.
I've taken one of
the mattresses out of your room.

One mattress is entirely sufficient.
Colonel Smollett, may I present
an old friend of ours Lieutenant Willett.

- How are you, Colonel Smollett?
- How do you do?

I take it your commission
is in the Navy.

- That's right, sir.
- Doesn't surprise me.

We'll get the bed set up
in the morning.

- I'm moving in with the girls.
- It's quite all right.

I assume you're taking the one
I have not been using?

- Of course.
- That's fine.

Is something wrong
with one of the beds?

It's just that monstrous animal
that seems to be so attached to it.

Good night.
- Mother.
- Yes, Jane?

Mother, do you think
I have a nice figure?

Yes, darling.
You have a beautiful figure.
Do you think Tony
might paint me someday?
