There's no need for any pretense
of affection between us.
You've paid your courtesy call.
All right, if that's
the way you feel about it.
I'm sorry to have disturbed you.
You may drop me a line
with your address.
And if you have any affairs
that require attention,
I shall have my lawyers
look after them.
For your late father's sake.
Now, I am sure
you will excuse me.
I'm a bit tired.
Good-bye, Grandpa.
What do you suppose?
I'm going in
and speak to him.
Mr. Smollett?
I'm Jane Hilton.
This is our home.
I see.
I'm glad to meet you.
I hope you like the Army.
That is, I mean,
are you on leave?
Just for the day.
I'll be at Chamberlain for a while,
I suppose, until we're shipped.
That'll be nice.
I don't mean
about you being shipped.
I didn't mean that either.
I hope you don't think
I'm a murderer or something.
Grandfather just doesn't like me.
I don't think it's right.
I think it's just terrible of him.
He's not so bad. He has good reasons,
the way he looks at it.
I've kind of disappointed him.
I don't care what you did.
You're a soldier now.
And you enlisted, too.
I heard you say so.
That isn't really so very much.
Lots of men enlisted.
But it's awfully nice of you
to talk to me this way.
Hi, Brig.
What's with the colonel?
He's storming around his room