Good morning, Colonel Smollett.
Looks like a fine morning.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Where is Superman?
I beg your pardon?
Pages 9 to 12 inclusive
are mysteriously missing.
- Where's the other one?
- Brig? It's a little early for her.
The other egg.
That's the only one we have.
There's getting to be a shortage.
I guess the hens are...
busy with war work.
Do you mind
being talked to at breakfast?
I most certainly do mind.
- It's about Bill.
- About whom?
Bill. You remember,
your grandson.
Yes, indeed, I do remember.
What about him?
He's a nice boy.
A most interesting
observation, Miss Hilton.
I'm afraid you don't
understand him.
He really needs you to help him,
like a mother.
He has an inferiority complex, and...
Young woman, I have
handled men for 35 years,
and I don't think I require
any instructions on the subject,
least of all
about my own grandson.
I was only trying to help.
He respects you so much.
Then I'll thank you to do the same
and stop your intrusion
in my affairs.
If you only knew
the first thing about psychology,
you'd know better than
to try to browbeat him.
Colonel Smollett,
if you'd only listen.
You may advise your mother
that henceforth
I shall have a decent
breakfast downtown for 40 cents!
I think you're a rude,
mean, horrible old goat!
Oh, beautiful
for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountains' majesties