- There's Pop!
- I see him!
- Where? I don't see him.
- He was in a jeep.
You imagined it.
- No, honestly.
- Yes, Mother, really, it was Pop.
Why did I fall asleep after staying
awake through that double feature?
Let's wait and see it again.
- Quiet.
- Be quiet yourself.
I beg your pardon.
- Mr. Mahoney.
- Good evening, Mrs. Hilton.
- Sit down.
- I'm sorry.
- How are you, Mr. Mahoney?
- I'm fine, thank you.
- Hello, girls.
- Good evening, Mr. Mahoney.
Jones City, Nebraska, turns out
to greet Sergeant Tommy Blair
of the Army Air Forces.
Tommy, seated between
his proud father and mother,
joyfully receives
the plaudits of his hometown.
- You say it's animal?
- That's right.
And its home
is in the Middle West.
And it makes a noise like a lion
but it puffs like a locomotive.
Better give up.
You agreed if you hadn't
guessed it by the time we got home...
I know... it's Soda.
No. Brig guessed that long ago.
All right, I give up.
It's Colonel Smollett, silly.
What's that?
- Mother, what do we do?
- Is he dead?
- It's Bill!
- Goodness.
Bill Smollett,
what were you doing there?
The poor boy
was just guarding the house.
I guess I just dozed off.
- You scared us half to death.
- I'm sorry.
Won't you come in just for a moment?
Jane has to get to bed.
Mother, may Bill and I take a walk
for just five minutes?
All right, Jane.
Make it ten minutes.