Just for the summer.
I could be a nurse's aide maybe.
- All right, Jane.
- Gee, Mother, that's swell.
But remember now,
just for the summer.
I embrace the code
of the Nurse's Aide.
I will do everything in my power
to bring comfort
to the ailing and the wounded
of whatever color,
race, or creed.
I will accept no compensation
and seek no reward,
and I will hold as a sacred trust
the symbol of mercy
which I wear... the Red Cross.
"Tell Jane I'm proud
of my little Florence Nightingale,
"and she must hold the thought
that next summer,
or the summer after that,
we'll be boating again on the lake."
The summer after that...
"And tell Brig that her candy is
all the sweeter because she made it.
"But I'm worried
about your ration points.
You mustn't waste them on me."
Waste them on Pop?
He's thinking of us, darling.
"We get everything
we could possibly want.
"And don't tell Fidelia,
but the grub is wonderful.
"I'm gaining a pound a week,
and if it doesn't stop soon,
"they'll have to make me a general
just for appearance's sake.
That's all for tonight, except..."
- Except for what, Mother?
- The rest is to me.
Mother, I want to hear it.
Can't I have
any privacy at all?
It's just for Mother, Brig.
Didn't you hear?
All right.
You can hear it.
It's not that secret, silly.
"That's all for tonight,
except to say
"that come war, come jungles,
come Japanese,
"they're all so easy to take
"because at the end of this,
my darling,
I know there waits
for me your love."