Bill deserved her.
He was such a good boy.
Yes, I dare say.
The good die first.
And they whose hearts
are dry as summer dust
burn to the socket.
Shall we stop a moment and rest
in the shade, Mr. Williams?
I can't imagine anything
more pleasant than being out here.
Or do you miss the water?
I love to sail, so I can
understand it if you do.
I hate it. I never want
to see the ocean again.
Would it help you
to talk about it?
I hate the ocean.
Of course you do.
I understand.
It's almost time for your lunch.
Dr. Golden will be angry
with me if you're late.
He's taken
a great interest in you.
Me in the Merchant Marine?
That was a joke in the first place.
I've always hated the water,
ever since I was a kid.
But most boys love the water.
They love to swim.
I couldn't swim.
Then one day my brother Jimmy
pushed me off the pier.
Then he had to pull me out.
He was always laughing at me
and telling me not to be yellow.
He told me not to be yellow
when our ship was hit.
That was the last time
I ever saw him.