Well, gentlemen...
we have our orders.
[Plays Reveille]
Do it again.
I love it.
Come on, Scott.
30 minutes
to flight quarters.
O.K., O.K.
Come on.
Come on.
No wonder they gave you
the Navy Cross.
Waking people up at night,
you have to be a hero.
Your squadron
ahead of ours?
I'm not flying
right now.
Just shower call
and such.
I was on the sick list
after Pearl Harbor.
Still wobbly
on the pins.
Wake Chisholm, will you?
Good morning.
I'll need
five empty fuel containers,
some potassium nitrate,
some calcium nitrate,
manganese sulfate--
Mananganese what, sir?
Manganese sulfate,
and about 30 feet of wire mesh.
And get lots of excelsior
from the engine packings,