A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

And she said to chop that in with it.
She did?
And a piece of suet to fry it with
Mama said.

Sweet jumping chrystophers.
You know? Mama thinks we don't know

Yeah, she acts like we were kids or

l bet she has a fight with Aunt
Sissy tonight.

ls got something to do with men
liking Aunt Sissy too much.

Well, Papa says we oughta make
everybody like us.

l guess maybe ladies shouldn't.
Maybe Aunt Sissy wouldn't have
changed husbands too much if any of

her babies would have lived.
She's crazy about babies.

Look who's talking about babies.
A lot you know.

l know as much as you do.
You don't know nothing.
You think you're so smart.
Boys make me sick.

Well what do you think girls make

Here she comes!
Six loaves!
And a pie, not too crushed.
Breaïs fine.
l wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't
more than three days old.

ls that all, Mom? Can we go now?
Yes, you're free.
Where's the fire?
There's a scout for the Brooklyns

They're looking for a catcher.
Where are you going?
Oh, no place much.
Well, don't go dream-walking,
crossing the street.

T... U... Burton:
"Anatomy of Melancholy".
