A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

And why not? Ain't l the Brooklyn

Oh, Papa!
And now you'd better be getting my
apron ironed.

Have it in a jiffy, Papa. The
coffee's on.

Thas my Prima Donna. Early one
morning, l heard a maiden singing.

Ear... Pst! Pst!
Oh, Papa, l can't sing.
Come on, now, you're holding up the

"Oh, don't deceive me, oh, don't you
leave me."

And better singing l never did hear.
l love to iron for you, Papa.
You know, something?
A day like this is just like
somebody gave you a present.

Everything just right.
l wonder what people did before they
invented coffee.

Oh, this sure could be a fine world,

Hey, you know something, Prima

You're going to make somebody a
mighty fine wife, some day.

Oh, Papa.
And mighty pretty, too. That is, if
your nose doesn't grow crooked.

Could it really? Honest?
Oh, no! ls the prettiest nose in
all Brooklyn.

Oh, Papa, it isn't.
- who says it isn't?

You just tell me who said it and
l'll take care of 'em.

Papa, you're crazy!
And you know something else?
You're not going to be ironing like
this when that impresario

comes along.
Things are going to be different
around here, you wait and see!

Yes, Papa.
Hey, whas the wish you wish the
most when our ship comes sailing in?

Well, it already came true.
What is it? Come on and tell me.
Well, l wished that when you came
home today, you wouldn't be sick.

Oh, who told you to call it "sick"

Ah, you shouldn't waste your wishes
on things like that!

You should be saving 'em, for a silk
dress or something.

Haven't you got a better wish than

- Come on!

Well, l hope Mama won't be too mad
with Aunt Sissy.

What about Aunt Sissy?
She's gone and got herself another
husband. Again!

No! Oh, oh, no! Gee, if there isn't
a woman for you!

Hey, what did -what did your Manna

Well, she didn't like it.
- l can imagine that.
