A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

something, instead of just sitting

Francie, l want you to stop talking
around about things like that.

lf you got something to say, just
say it right out. Plain.

l wasn't going to say anything.
l was just talking about walking.

Well, there's been so much talking
about walking, l think l'll take one.

You want to go along, Prima Donna?
Oh, yes, Papa. Sure, Papa.
Must be pretty special this place
you walk to thas two blocks away

from the market.
This way, Papa.
ls this it?
Yes, Papa.
The school? l don't understand.
lt must be just as nice inside,
don't you think?

The teachers and all and...
Well, what are you driving at, baby?
Bend down, Papa. l wish l could go
tot that school, Papa.

Oh, well, l don't know, baby. ld
be awful nice, but they got rules.

You gotta go to the school where you

Oh, l know, l didn't really.
Oh, now, wait a minute. Maybe
there's a way.

ls a free country, ain't it?
School days, school days Hey, maybe
we could move near here.

Well, now, whoa now, whoa.
Sometime soon, as soon as our ship
comes in, Prima Donna, you'll see.

Oh, only by that time l'll
Oh, you want to go there awful bad
don't you baby?

Then we're going to find a way!
Well, now, l gotta turn this over a

Les do some more walking, maybe
is good for thinking too.
