Don't try to draw with him
If you do, you're dead
- Did he see me?
- No
I thought he did
He'll cross back over to get his horse
We pushed a thousand head of cattle out there,
me and my partner, him and me
What's more, you fuzzy-faced apes, my name
ain't Roscoe and I ain't nobody's uncle
The next one that calls me so
will get down on the floor
Don't look for me back, either
I will invest my money
where at least one man ain't a lunatic
- Drunk already?
- Let's get outta this place
It's a spook town
The more I see, the more I don't like it
- They do something?
- No, outside of calling me their uncle
It's their attitude They're disrespectful
George, you take gettin' used to
You don't make the right impressiĆ³n
- You ought to know that by now
- Ought I?
You walk in someplace where nobody don't
know you, you already got that dumb look
You ask some fool question any papoose
could answer, like, "Where am I?"
You ain't immediately nominated for governor
You gotta walk in kinda unsmiling