Much obliged
You see?
It's spooked
The whole dad-blamed town is spooked
We gotta get outta this place quick
Why, it's all very simple, George
Simple? What would you have done
if somebody had drawn on you?
What would anyone draw on me for?
Because you was asking for it The way
you walked in, your face all scrounged up
It was just asking somebody
to slap leather with you
Look, Melody, you couldn't hit the hind end
of your horse with a handful of bug shot
- Right in front
- He'll move
You ain't a gun fighter
You ain't even a good shot
You're just a no-good bronc stomper
that's been hit in the seat of the pants
He's looking at something else
Don't move There's a gun on you
- Come with me Keep close
- Listen, lady
Do as I tell you
and I'll get you out of this Smile Smile
That's better
Stay right here and I'll get your horses
- Who is it?
- I never seen her before
In Cherryenne when you was
kicked in the head and missing four days,
you sure you didn't marry somebody?
I wasn't that far out of my head