- What'd you do that for?
- Your dog's seen something
Somebody's prowling around out there
Your partner, maybe
No, he'd fall over something
Sounds like he's gone now
What kind of a deal?
Will you do somethin' for me?
- Stay in this room until morning?
- Do what?
Sleep here, in that bed?
For me? Will you?
- Why?
- I'll explain it in the morning
I just don't want you goin' outta here tonight
- All right
- You promise?
Thank you
- And for Pete's sake, stay put this time, will you?
- Mm
- Thanks Good night
- Uh
You don't wanna sit and talk a spell first?
Heaven forbid
- Stick 'em up
- You surely took long enough about it
- You heard me?
- I been listenin' to you for about five minutes