Now, look here There ain't any use to this
- You don't have to cry
- Please I am a skunk, and I know it
You ain't a skunk
You've been nice,
even though you knew I was lyin'
I'm sorry I drug you into it Goodbye
Look, what kind of a box is it you're in?
Can't you tell me?
You see, I've known Monte Jarrad
ever since we was kids
We grew up together
So when he rode in hurt, I tried to help him
- Did you get him out?
- No
They'll catch him now, I guess
The posse'll be pounding back by this evening
When I told you that I'd explain,
I decided to tell you the whole truth
and see if you'd help me
Take a saddle,
or anything to lead the posse away
There just wasn't nobody else I could turn to
You'd do anything for that belly gunner
This morning I decided not to
It wouldn't be fair dragging you in no further
I was gonna tell you the truth all right
I wasn't gonna ask you to do nothin' else
That why you brung
Monte's saddle along with you?
Why, I didn't know it was there
I thought you might have noticed it
when you put this blanket over it
I don't know why I even try to lie to you
Me neither
Come on, Henry