I aim to pull out of this fix
It ain't my squabble and there's no sense
in getting myself shot
- Monte Jarrad ain't dead
- Did he give you that saddle?
- No, he didn't, but his girl did
- What girl?
- Cherry de Longpre
- Did she kill him?
Ain't nobody killed him, you lunkhead
He got hurt bad and couldn't travel fast
I took his saddle as a favour to her,
to fool jackasses like you away from him
A full growed man like you could let a girl
talk him into a dang fool trick like that?
All I can say is here I am
I've heard some dumb stories in my time,
but that one really takes the cake
Get ready
All right
This don't make no sense to me
in any particular,
but let her go
Put 'em up, black hat
Take his gun, Melody
Like I told your friend, never turn your back
on anything, especially a woman
It's all right, George
- This the girl?
- Ain't she a lulu?
- Get off
- Just a minute, ma'am
If you're Cherry de Longpre,
you'll know I'm Leo Gledhill
How do you do, Mr Gledhill? Now get off
- I'm a friend of Monte Jarrad
- The lady said get off, Mr Gledhill
You jughead We been looking all over for you