Take Mr Gledhill for a walk out in the desert
Way out, and leave him
- Get!
- Leave him and do what?
Follow Melody to where you was headed
in the first place
You're gonna get out of this country
I'm gonna take you
- How do you like that for organisation?
- You know who I am
I don't know who you are,
only who you say you are
But that's who I am
You could be Luke Packard
who works for the express company
- Come on, Melody
- Yes, ma'am
Too bad, partner I know just how you feel
If there's anything in the worid I like,
it's gettin' saved from bein' shot
# I wished I had a candy box
# To put my sweetheart in
# I'd take her out and kiss her twice
And put her back again
- # Round and round #
- Melody
You know, Monte'd kill a girl
if she done to him what I done to you
That's because Monte
don't understand women very well
I suppose you do?
Pa gave me a piece of advice
that ain't never failed me
"If you fool around a woman, hide a dollar
in your boot, then you'll come out with a dollar"
"That is," Pa says, "if you keep your boots on"
- What are you gonna do now?
- Tie up with George
Head toward Hot Creek
and work around there this winter
Will you be coming back this way in spring?
Maybe Don't like it much
down there in the summer
If you do, will you do something for me?
I don't like to seem impolite,
but after the way things been going,