Yeah, I see
- Good evening
- Luke Packard's the name
From the express company
Lift your hands just a little higher
And you, lady, step round the other side of him
I'd certainly be embarrassed
if you grabbed his iron and flung a shot at me
That's something
that's been worrying me most of my life
What would I do if a woman
hung the drop on me?
Boy, oh, boy
These don't give much light to speak of,
but they'll warm it up while we wait
- Wait for what?
- The posse
- They're swinging around this way now
- Posse?
The sheriff and some of the boys
are heading up here
Go over in that corner
What they're aiming to do when they get here,
I couldn't say They didn't tell me
- But you can't do that
- No? Why can't I?
They'll kill him, not arrest him
Those Cotton boys won't let 'em
They're legal, lady Legal to the teeth
I ain't the one they're after
I ain't Monte Jarrad
I'm Melody Jones I ain't never set eyes on him