You gonna hang onto that promise
you trapped me into?
- I'm not gonna argue about it
- Maybe you're in love with him, but I ain't
This thing's gone just about far enough,
and ten feet further
Just as you please
- Made up your mind?
- Uh-huh
Well, where is it?
- Where's what?
- The money Stop stalling
What money was it?
You realise what you're doin'? That posse
ain't more than 30 minutes from here, Monte
- I ain't Monte
- I ain't got any way to force you
But I hate to see a man taken apart
without a chance to defend himself
- I'll tell you where it is
- What?
The money you're after Can't you keep
your mind on what we're talking about?
- If I tell you where it is, can we go?
- That was the proposition
- Which man do you aim to be the death of?
- Shut up
It's under that slab under the window
Well, what do you know about that?
Mister, you're a
Then you were telling the truth
Look out for the fella doin' the shootin'
It's the real Monte He's after the money again