Ever smell anything better than that
in your life?
In that case, taste it.
Why, it's a masterpiece, Bindle.
You taste there
the fruits of two days' panhandling.
All of which goes to prove
that nothing is wasted.
People could look at me and say,
"Bindle Jackson, hobo."
But without 20 years' experience on the
road, could I make up a mulligan like that?
- Never.
- Now, if I could only shoot.
Colonel, strictly from a point of view
of scientific curiosity...
what would you say our chances are?
- Of blowing up the dump or getting back?
- Both, especially the latter.
- Fair.
- Fair?
You wouldn't say good?
Not if you want me to tell you
what I think.
Very interesting, isn't it?
Not, come to think about it, that I have
any seriously pressing engagements.
- Colonel, did you have a good life?
- Fine life, Bindle.
Especially here on the islands.
- And you?
- I can't complain.
You know,
that's the worst part about war.
You meet somebody,
you get to know them...
wham, you never see them again.
You see something,
but you never know how it ends.
Be nice to know right now
how all this is going to end, wouldn't it?
It certainly would.
You will bow to the Japanese officer
as representative of His lmperial Majesty!
Fellow Orientals, the hand
of His lmperial Majesty, the Emperor...
has put an end to your domination...
by an exploiting and arrogant
American race.