It is Miss Barnes.
I gave him an apple.
It was the first he'd ever seen.
And then we became friends.
- Here, lady, you'd better sit down.
- No.
- What happened?
- The Japs came into Balintawak.
He was not a brave man.
He was too terrified even to speak.
But when they ordered him
to haul down our flag...
he could only shake his head.
And then they hanged him...
in the schoolyard,
in the presence of his pupils.
It was a bad thing to look at.
I am Miss Barnes, schoolteacher.
- Who are you and what is your rank?
- Col. Madden, ma'am.
Colonel, is it? Then I'm sure you'll know
what must be done.
When you attack the village, I want you to
attend especially to the Japanese Captain.
- It was he who gave the order.
- We're not attacking the village.
You're an American, are you not?
It was your flag he refused to lower,
not his.
The village isn't much out of our way.
Our only chance of getting to
the gasoline dump is by surprise.
- Yes, but...
- The moment we'd attack that village...
the whole countryside
would be on the alert.
I'm thinking of 70,000 men on Bataan.
How do you fellows feel about it?
We think you're right.
Are you proposing
to leave this crime unavenged?
We fight for the Philippines,
not for revenge.
- Bernessa?
- Yes, sir?
- We're moving out immediately.
- Yes, sir.
You stay here with Miss Barnes.
You'll find food and blankets in the lean-to.
- Take good care of her till we get back.
- Take care of her, indeed.
- Do you think I'd stay here for a moment?
- You can't go back to the village.
Furthermore, young man,
I am not accustomed...