- Bernessa.
- Yes, sir?
- Post some guards.
- Yes, sir.
- What happened?
- Bataan has fallen.
Seventy thousand men.
How could it happen?
- We're beaten.
- The Japs have beaten us.
Hunger and sickness beat us, not the Japs.
Then why didn't America send food
and medicine? Why didn't America help?
Maybe you can still get away, sir.
There is no more army here.
Now the fighting will be done in Australia.
Maybe there will be fighting here.
- Maybe the people will wanna fight.
- Sure. The people will fight.
Against thousands of Japs,
after they've beaten our armies?
We have fought that way before.
We've never been conquered.
With bolos against machine guns?
If a schoolteacher
can die for the American flag...
we can fight for the Philippines.
We must have a hope.
We cannot die for nothing.
You remember the name
Andrés Bonifacio?
Every Filipino does.
If he were alive and sent out a call,
would the people answer?
- Bonifacio's dead.
- But his grandson is alive...
among those prisoners.
Maybe we'll be able to find him, sir.