Yes, but his pulse is normal,
his eyes are clear. What is his trouble?
- Among other things, a woman.
- A woman?
This certainly is not the time
for that sort of thing.
- He's got to get her out of his mind.
- Sometimes it isn't that easy.
So we spend the winter in Palm Beach.
- Doing what?
- Taking it easy.
- Have either of you seen Maximo?
- No, ma'am.
- Or José Lopez, or Tomas Rinaldo?
- No, ma'am.
Let's see. Now where were we?
Taking it easy
in Palm Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
Yes. So we spend the winter in Florida.
Then we hop a train, a streamliner,
mind you. Nothing but the best for us.
- We still don't buy any ticket for this train?
- Who buys tickets?
We hop off at New York
in time for the opening ball game...
- we crash a few shows.
- Say, Joe...
- Yes?
...when do we work?
- Never.
- I sure am going to like the USA.
Say, where you been?
Picklepuss has been looking for you.
I know a place in New York
where they make hot dogs a foot long.
- A whole foot long?
- Yeah.
- With relish and mustard?
- The works.
Maybe you're wondering at this point
how we get money to pay for these.
There's ways and means of getting money
without working. Strictly legal, mind you.
Where have you been?
The idea of a grown man
talking like that before these boys.
- What have you there?
- A radio.
Colonel, look, a radio.
- Where'd you pick it up, in Balintawak?
- No, I stole it from the Japs.
... then every man, woman, and child
in the district will be wiped out.
Filipinos, do not resist.
For every Japanese life,
we pay with 10 Filipino lives.
Sixty Filipinos were executed today.
I now read a list of the names...
of those who paid with their lives
for the recent disorders.
In Balintawak, for the murder
of four Japanese officers...