- The news is a little tough.
- Tough?
We're licked, Joe.
Licked? When is a nation licked?
Military textbooks say a war is over
when the objectives are taken.
The United States
fought your grandfather.
- We found the textbooks were wrong.
- Were they?
You fought off the Spaniards
for over 300 years...
Then the American came.
And a handful of revolutionaries,
calling themselves the Katipunan...
took everything we could throw at them.
Fought us to a standstill
with bolos and clubs.
Now the Jap is here.
What would've happened
if we hadn't fought the Spaniard...
if my grandfather
hadn't called out the Katipunan?
- You'd be slaves.
- What are we now?
I've been doing a lot of thinking
these last few days.
I wondered why you saved me
out of all those thousands of prisoners.
- You picked the wrong guy.
- I picked Andrés Bonifacio.
I know you did. Now you expect him
to spread the word that Bonifacio's back.
To arms, Filipinos.
Remember the Katipunan.
Kill the Japs, even if it means
you'll be killed 10-to-1, 20-for-1.
When there are no more men,
then women and children, uselessly.
- Uselessly?
- You know that alone we're helpless.
Where are all those American warships
we were promised?
Where are those American guns
and planes?
Why didn't they come
to Bataan and Corregidor?
I don't know.
- Can you promise they'll come back?
- I can't.
Now you want me to urge them on
to more slaughter!
It's easy for you. They're not your people.
I don't mean that, Joe.
I know you're a better Filipino than I am.
Maybe you should've left me prisoner.
It's just that we've taken too much
these last few months.
A guy can only take so much,
then he loses something.
I know.
I've seen too much.
We really don't know whether
the Americans are coming back or not.