Back to Bataan

Look, they came into my bedroom
while I was asleep.

They painted this on my pillow.
Right next to my throat.

This is a sign of war.
This is my death warrant.

You're in no danger.
We'll provide sentries.

I'm the Chief of Police.
I had four sentries there all night.

- You're under our protection.
- Protection?

Did you protect the Mayor of Legaspi,
or the Commissioner of Malolos, or...

Six whole divisions at your disposal...
and you couldn't even protect our friends.
All you could think about was reprisals.
Send in Miss Dalgado.
You have my personal guarantee of safety.
You may go.

Yes, thank you, Your Excellency.
They might have just as easily
slit my throat.

Miss Dalgado, tell Col. Coroki...
why we have failed to win
the Filipino people over.

I was not aware that...
The guerrillas obviously have the complete
aid and sympathy of the people.

We are interested only in a frank answer.
There's no advantage
in cooperating with the Japanese.

A man obeys all the Japanese laws.
When he's taken at random and shot...

his next-door neighbor will think,
"It does a man no good to obey."

He might as well die fighting.
You're a conquered people.
What do you expect, independence?

That's not a bad idea, Coroki.
Miss Dalgado,
Tokyo has graciously consented...

to grant full independence
to its little nephews and nieces.

Now your people will see
the advantage of cooperating with us.

Why, we will be able to hold these islands
with only two divisions.

The granting of independence
must be an impressive occasion.

- You will help us, Miss Dalgado?
- It will be a great honor, Your Excellency.

Perhaps it would be a good idea
to hold the ceremonies at Balintawak.

It's the birthplace
of Philippine independence.
