An intelligent suggestion.
The arrangements will be left
in Col. Coroki's hands.
To avoid any possible interference
with the ceremony...
I suggest you keep the place secret.
We wish to make that
a memorable occasion, Colonel.
It will be a most memorable occasion,
Your Excellency.
Yes. Make it memorable, Colonel.
Most memorable.
You can find room for this.
- Captain, everything's okay in Balintawak.
- What did you tell them?
- What you told me to say.
- Tell me exactly what you said.
I told them nobody was to do anything
that might tip the Japs off.
Everybody's supposed to do
their business, do what the Japs said...
and when the shooting started,
everybody should scram.
You told them the Japs
have promised us full independence?
- What did they say?
- Nothing.
Bernessa, get the drums going.
Get all the men together.
- Pvt. Cuenca?
- Yes, sir?
You accomplished your mission. I think
he deserves a red star, Miss Barnes.
Red star, indeed.
In his last composition, he spelled
"liberty" with a "U" instead of an "E."
Say, Colonel, it will only take one informer
to tip this whole deal off to the Japs.
That's right.
- What of it?
- Nothing. Just thinking out loud, I guess.
I don't know what I'm standing around for
with so much to be done.
Maximo, I've outlined
a course of study for the children.
You tell them they must
keep up on their studies now.
They must brush their teeth twice a day.
Tell them to eat lots of greens
if they can get them.
I'm leaving with Col. Madden.
- But I'm going along.
- That's out of the question.
Besides, you must take charge
of the children.
But he promised me.
He said I could be a scout.
Yes, I did, and I have been
meaning to speak...
You've done altogether too much
playing at war for your age. I think...