You're pretty sure of yourself,
aren't you?
In my business, you have to be.
Just what is your business?
"Associations made on this day
will be highly profitable and lasting."
"Dear Specs, just a line to let you know
I haven't forgotten.
I ran into an old friend tonight who owed
me some money, and he paid off pronto.
We're having a surprise party
on September the 26th...
...to celebrate Amel's
golden wedding anniversary.
Sure wish you and the gang were here.
Well, that's all for now.
As ever, John."
Just think,
Amel's golden wedding anniversary.
September 26th, huh?
- That's a good day.
- Yeah.
Maybe we'll make it.
- What can I do for you?
- Like to buy a barrel of cement.
I'm sorry, but we only sell wholesale.
I'm doing a little home gardening.
I'd like to buy one barrel for my lily pond.
I'm sorry, it's company policy.
I don't make the rules.
I'd like to help you, but...
Well, we occasionally
accommodate somebody...
...who might make a good customer.
Where do you want it sent?
- I'll take it with me. Give me a hand.
- Sure.