No, thanks.
- Like to make a few extra dollars?
- How?
Push these tickets to your customers.
- I'll give you twenty per cent.
- Sure. What are they for?
A spook meeting tonight, featuring
the one and only Professor Madley.
- No.
- Why not?
If the Ladies' Auxiliary
don't want 'em, I don't want 'em.
Don't worry about the women. They
wouldn't miss hearing Abraham Mills.
- Mills?
- The Professor's bringing him back.
- With a message.
- I don't believe in it.
What's the difference?
You can still make some money.
No, I don't wanna get mixed up
in anything.
- Coffee, please.
- Right away.
Here he is, Professor,
your old friend, Eric Stanton.
Old friend? I don't recall.
- Buffaloes. Connectity.
- Sorry, I still can't remember.
- Let me see.
- Relax, Professor. We've never met.
Last night in my room, you said...
- And you never met him?
- Glad to meet you now, Professor.
Delighted, Mr Stanton.
All the signs point to a prosperous
association. Dollar signs.
I've sold a batch of tickets already.
- Couple of beers, please.
- OK, comin' up.
I heard from my assistant here
that you really work wonders.
- Congratulations on your success.
- We'll have sell-out after sell-out.
Well, OK.
I never believed you could talk
Miss Mills into buying tickets.
I just had a call from her sister
to reserve a couple.
They're coming over to get a message
from their old man. Right, Professor?
Ah, yes, I had a visitation from him
on US Route 101.
He definitely arrives tonight.
What do you say, Pop?
Now do you believe it?
He definitely arrives tonight, sir.
He better arrive tonight,
he's your main attraction.
Er, dig up the vital facts, Ellis.
Who is Mills,
and why does he want to come back?
- OK, see you later.
- Wait, leave me one of these.
Pop, let me hang this up in here