Now, look, you can't stay angry
at me forever, not two full days.
Wait a minute. What about
living up to the place we're in?
And the music you play here?
So when a guy says he's sorry,
the least you can do is forgive him.
All right, I forgive you.
- Friends?
- I hardly know you.
Don't worry about that,
we'll fix it right away.
It's a good thing word didn't come
through from New York this morning.
I get the chance to stay another day,
square things
with you and your sister.
Tell me, what is there to do in this
town to make time pass till tomorrow?
- That's up to you, isn't it?
- What do you do?
Oh, there's plenty
to occupy your time here.
The movies, dancing,
the beach isn't far.
They'll tell you at the hotel.
You still think I tried to hurt your
sister. I didn't mean to, really.
I only meant to help the Professor.
That's happened before. I try to help
somebody, somebody else gets hurt.
That's the way it's been all my life.
Of course. You live by impulse.
You never bother to think if you're
following the right or wrong impulse.
I see you don't stop at music,
you read too.
Don't you?
I haven't opened a book
since I left school. They're phoney.
- So are some people.
- At least they're alive.
- So are books.
- You come to a part you don't like,
you can turn the page,
but try it on people.
Try it on life.
I'll tell you something about
yourself. You're scared to live.
That's why you bury yourself
in books and music.
I think you ought to respect my ways
as I respect yours.
Only I live and you don't.
All the things you look down on
are the things that make up life.
What things?
Little things. A game of bowling,
or a swim at night...
Or a dance.
A kiss. Stuff with bubbles.
I bet you never had a drink.
- That doesn't mean anything.
- Not by itself, it doesn't.
But you add up all the little things,
that's what makes up life.
Maybe you're the one
that's scared, not I.