Isle of the Dead

- I'll be glad to get back.
- Cheer up. You won't see her again.

General Pherides...
I'd like your advice about something,
a grave matter.

- What's wrong?
- Mr. Robbins. We thought him drunk.

- Well?
- I'd like the General to see him.

He was going back
to hear the sound of Bow Bells.

I'm afraid he'll never hear them again.
- He complained of not feeling well.
- He staggered.

That staggering, his dying so quickly.
In your campaigns,
have you never seen men...

who staggered before they died,
who talked incoherently, walked blindly?

I've seen men die drunk,
and I've seen men die of the plague.

There's no possibility of that here,
is there?

I'll send for Dr. Drossos. He'll know.
And until he comes,
everyone must stay on the island.

We are faced with a very serious form
of the plague, septicemic plague.

The symptoms are wavering gait...
convulsions, weakness,
sometimes blindness...

and then death, always death.
Always death, and very quickly.
The illness is highly infectious.
Because there is a grave danger
of it spreading to the army...

crippling our efforts against the enemy...
it has been decided that
we all remain here...

until the disease has run its course.
I have to cross over to the village.
Today is market day.

No one may leave the island.
I must safeguard the health of my troops.

I'm afraid you'll have to
make an exception in my case, General.

In my case and my wife's.
I'm traveling on urgent business
for my government.

No one may leave.
But, my dear sir,
His Majesty's government...

No one may leave the island.
General Pherides,
I respect your concern and authority...

but I must leave the island.
- There are personal reasons...
- I will be glad to explain my wife's plight.

No one may leave the island.
But you must have observed
that my wife is an invalid.

What about yourself, General?
What about the army?

It's better to have no General
than one carrying the plague.
