There are other men here, sane men.
They will know how to deal with you.
I warn you, General. Leave Thea alone.
What must be done, I will do.
Does that include
smashing the only boat on the island?
I told you that no one could leave.
And I told you, General...
that your orders do not apply to me
or any civilian.
You haven't any rights over us.
If you do anything else
to threaten Thea, General...
I'll forget that we've been friends.
Thea, you must help me.
You did call them, didn't you, Kyra?
I told you, I knocked.
The girl said her mistress wasn't well.
Maybe you can make up a tray
after dinner. Thea will probably be hungry.
I asked. The girl said she wanted nothing.
It has been bright and warm today,
hardly a breath of wind.
We can all take comfort in the thought
that the wind may change tomorrow.
We always have these warm, still days
before the sirocco begins to blow.
It hasn't changed yet.