- Why the long face?
- You wouldn't understand.
Understand what?
You lend an umbrella -
It's not the umbrella!
I didn't break all ties
with our former life
because it was a jumble
of poverty and empty luxuries.
I broke ties with it because
I needed to live and enjoy living.
Those flowers ruin everything.
But they bring joy, my angel.
There was a time when I would see
a man's face behind every bouquet.
Now look.
Behind these flowers, there's still
a man's face threatening us.
That's what we've come to.
- You're always so dramatic.
Yesterday our door would open
to any man and - flowers!
Today, it closes in their face and -
Tomorrow there'll be more.
- We'll refuse.
Yet I'm still the same girl.
You shouldn't have lent him
that umbrella.
I didn't lend it to him.
I forbade him to return it.
But it was my umbrella!
I'm sorry, Mama.
But believe me, I had to.
- That's all right. Forget about it.
- If only I could.
- And be simple.
- Simple?
Yes, simple, like me.
I take things as they come.
I ask of things only
what they wish to give.
These flowers give me their perfume,
and I breathe it in.
Going out?
- To recover our peace of mind.
- You're crazy!
- I want what's happening to be clear.