pursued by a mountain lion!
A forest fire!
An abduction by balloon!
And you shall see me,
the one and only,
the inimitable
Anselme Deburau,
who performed in the harem
before the Grand Turk
and his 82 Turkesses!
But fear not!
Inside you won't see
this one here.
Because he's a do-nothing!
A dolt!
A sleepwalker
even sitting down.
A nincompoop!
A blockhead!
A good-for-nothing!
And this, alas, is my son.
Here sits the shame
of an artistic family,
a famous father's despair,
the root of his gray hair.
When I say my son,
luckily I exaggerate.
One night, during a full moon,
he fell from above...
into a bucket.
When I got home
it was already too late.
But I won't wash dirty linen here.
The show's about to begin!
A unique show!
For the penny-pinchers,
tightfisted, miserly,
or parsimonious...
the management,
sparing no expense,
leaves them Baptiste,
free of charge!
Baptiste! If you've any pups,
save me one!
He really looks stupid,
doesn't he?
I think he has lovely eyes.
Lovely eyes!
That deserves a hand!