Answer me, Baptiste.
you said I was your friend,
that you had no secrets from me.
Answer me.
Was it a woman?
Where did you meet her?
Do I know her?
What's her name?
I don't know.
I was gazing into a well.
Others were looking, too.
But only I saw her.
Still dreaming and laughing at me.
It's true.
What more can I say?
I saw her again, by chance.
She gave me this flower. That's all.
That's all.
Well, it's not much.
- And you love her.
- Oh, yes, I love her!
How you said that!
Ah, my little lambs,
you're on next.
You look fine, Baptiste.
A nice touch, the flower!
It should get a laugh.
You know the plot:
You love her, she laughs in your face.
Play the fool.
Nothing to it!
Look alive, children!
This mulled wine is splendid!
It goes down like a seraph
in red velvet tights.
To your health, Baptiste.
And to yours, friends.
Tonight you drank
with Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar or another.
Charles the Bold, Attila,
Henri IV, Ravaillac.
Yes, I know it!