The hour of justice strikes.
You won't escape punishment.
Alas, you have killed him!
He was a wicked man,
but he was my husband.
Excuse me!
I got carried away.
However, I would like
just a bit more...
- A touch more...
- A touch more feeling!
Yes, that's right!
Feeling, feeling, and more feeling!
Dare I hope, gentlemen,
you like my costume?
Not bad. It has something.
- This must be some kind...
- Of a joke!
Robert Macaire and his evil sidekick
haven't come from the tailor's,
but from prison.
They're bandits, not dandies.
- But that eye patch!
- It's hideous!
My eye behind it
is even more hideous!
Gentlemen, let's not argue again!
He's here,
so let's rehearse Act Il,
Scene 9.
On with it!
I'd rather do the scene
with the gendarmes. It's funnier.
We are not here
to amuse the gallery!
Too bad!
Oh, well, if you insist.
Come on, Latour, old girl.
Scene 9.
My son!
You alone give me
the courage to face
the wretch who is the cause
of our misfortune!
Egad, my wife!
Yes, your wife and victim!